Monday, April 25, 2011

3. Technological Leadership to Increase Achievement & Productivity

In chapter 5 of Wagner’s book the Global Achievement Gap he talks about how students are differently motivated than they were 20 years.   Students are no longer content to sit and listen to lecture and do long reading assignment.   The world they live, a world where info is readily available and everything is involves be entertained, is transforming education.  Wagner says “ The use of the Internet and other digital technology has transformed both what young people learn today and how they learn.”   I agree very strongly with Wagner, and if education is going to truly be reformed school leaders have to learn to embrace technology.   As a future school administrator I want to lead my staff by example by using the technological applications myself. 
                Technology is constantly changing this means that in order to fully integrate technology into the classroom time and money have to be set aside to train staff, and it cannot be a one day training it has be ongoing, informative and valuable.   If we has school leaders find the time and money to invest in training in instructional methods that integrate technology we will see a higher return in student achievement and productivity.  Wagner cites that students today will refuse to do assignments that involve long reading passages or lengthy directions.   (Wagner, 178)  This only makes since when we live in a world of instant gratification.   If students are going to achieve and be productive we have to shift gears  away from lectures, reading and long assignments, for more meaningful activities.

Wagner, Tony.  The Global Achievement Gap.  Basic Books, New York, NY, 2008.

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