Tuesday, April 26, 2011

7. Use of Technical Vocabulary & Skills Specfic to the Mission & Vision

Most missions/visions of schools have to with preparing students for life after high school.   If we are going to live up to these missions and visions we have to lead our schools to incorporate technology in to our instructional practices.   So we has leaders need to know technology.  Wagner, spends a lot of time talking about the changes in student willingness to listen to lectures and the importance of incorperating technology into education.

If you are going to lead people you have to be knowledgeable of where you are lead them to. For school leaders this means we have to truly know technology.   We have to be able to communicate about technology.   To do this we have to know the terms so that we can inquire about technology and have discussions about best practices.    Also, as leaders we will be approached by teachers and staff with questions that relate to the terms of technology and we need to be able to answer these questions.   If we can not answer questions and our staff have to turn else where to find the answers we will begin to lose credibility.  

Leading by example is the most important thing that we can do, so as leaders we have to have the skills to use technology.   In the article, "How to Become a Digital Leader", Bill Ferriter talks about that teachers are looking for guidance and support as the utilize technology in their classroom.   We as leaders have to provide the support for them.   If they don't find it in us they will either seek it else where or even more likely give up.  If teachers give up that will quickly up a halt to any goals being accomplished to help schools fulfill their mission or vision. 

Ferriter, Bill.  “How to Become a Digital Leader.”  Educational Leadership, October,
      2009.  Pgs. 90-91.

Wagner, Tony.  The Global Achievement Gap.  Basic Books, New York, NY, 2008.

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